Putting Glasses on Liliputians

My Harry Potter Brakeman Apprentice doesn’t look right. He needs glasses. But I can’t for the life of me figue out how to get thin enough lines to make glasses look right. Even my finest paint brush might do a decent neck-tie but not glasses on Harry’s face.

how about a very fine tip marker / sharpie ?

You could experiment with using a pin to apply the paint. That will take some patience. Then again, about any method of doing this will take some patience.

I get the pointillism.

How about using a fine magnet wire for the frame and using that “liquid glass” stuff we make windows with to really give Harry some glasses?

How 'bout a pair of glasses made from a really, really, small rolled up snake of playdo? Challenging…but it might stick well.


The problem with using liquid glass is that the odds of getting his prescription right are astronomical.[:o)]

Imagine the work if he had Bifocals!

Maybe some O decals for z scale would work around the eyes and then paint the temples in?

Try a different approach, Gulliver. Take the glasses OFF the Brobdignagians! Then we won’t be able to see such trivial details.

I recommend Contacts instead! LOL

With all the money that the movies have made, can’t Harry afford laser treatments on his corneas?

Actually the odds AGAINST getting his prescription right are astronomical!!LOL ;o)

Seriously, I have no clue. Anything you use will be grossly overscale and to draw a line that thin…well, good luck, Chip

Chip, I spoke with a fellow at the LHS, in Nanaimo, who does fine craft modeling. He suggested making two tiny black paint dots over the eyes (yes, it will cover whatever eyes you have on the figure), and when they are dry, you have two choices: either veerrrrryyy cccaaaaarreeffuuly drill out the very centre of each dot, just enogh so that you can touch those pits with the teensiest drip of white paint, thereby simulating the glasses, or; when the dots are dry, just touch their centres with the little bit of white paint (thus, no drilling).

Have you put this aside, or have you already dealt with it?



Just get a bottle of Testors’ ‘Clear Parts Cement & Window Maker’ and put a drop on each eye with a pin tip. It goes on smoky, but dries clear. You can add additional layers if you need to.

Cheers, Mo

Or, you could get some M. V. Products lenses, make yourself a core drill of the right diameter from tubing you sharpened and stamp out some lenses. If you used the tinted lenses, you could make miniature sunglasses ! [:)]
NMRA Life 0543

Chip, this thread has, in cycle racing parlance, ‘fallen off the back.’ Did you have an opportunity to see the last several posts?

My question is: Who will be furnishing the viewer glasses to see the glasses?

I would not attempt to model the FRAMES of the glasses, only a couple blobs of white to create an IMPRESSIONIST painting of a face with eyeglasses.
But if you did insist on modeling eyeglasses frames, you might start with the finest piece of etched brass mesh material you can find, cut away everything except leaving two openings and a connection between them.
Now you’re making me curious if I can do it…

Yes Thank you.

I like the pin dot approach–all I need is big glasses and a steady hand. I think I can get-er-done.

The brass idea sounds intreguing, but beyond my ability.