I need some help from the electronics experts on this. Both batteries in the voltmeters on my PW ZWs are apparently shot since they will not hold a charge for more than a couple of hours. The batteries are the originals from around yr 2000.

The instruction sheet says the battery replacement is a NiCad 9volt, 160Mah rating. In looking around on the web, I noticed that most rechargeable batteries are now of the NiMh variety. Most are either rated lower than 160Mah or higher. Ditto for the NiCad rating.

So, the question is: does the voltmeter have to stay with a NiCad? Can the Mah rating be higher without causing failure or incorrect readings?



I will not say do it but; I have a NiMh in my meter and it works just fine,been about a year now. I just have to run the transformer once in a while to keep it charged.

Sir James,

Thanks for the info. If it has worked for a year, it should be a safe assumption that it will continue. Do you know what Mah rating it has?



Bill…No I do not remember,I do know it was not the same as the one I took out.Probably in the same range though.150/170.I replaced my MTH batteries with these and then replaced them with BCRs so at the time I just charged one and put it in.