PWRS Question About Needing To Call & Ask If Items Are In Stock

I see the PWRS group model train online retailor has their “Twelve Days of Thanksgiving,” sale on and saw some containers on sale I am interested in. I am located in Canada like they are.

I am aware of the many issues others have had repuation-wise, and as a precaution, emailed Dan the president to email me if the items where in stock or not. He asks if he can call now, to which I reply now I am preoccuiped with getting ready for bed, he could just check which where in stock or not, and email me which and which, or we could talk tomorrow at a better time.

His response was that he will talk to me tomorrow about the items. Why wouldnt he just look in his manager store inventoy system and give me a yes or no, or amount left?

I have talked with him before, when I realize sme avaible items, where not so avaible and was thankful he canced my order. Best to call and ask, as I learned i this case.

I always go to their advance search page where it will tell you if it is in stock or not before I order. PWRS computers are very good at being accurate on inventory. I always check with any mailorder place to see if it is in stock or not, if it isn’t I see if Walthers has it and if they don’t, I won’t order it.

I think Walthers ships to PWRS on Monday and they get the order Wednesday so when I order on a Friday I can usually pick it up Wednesday or Thursday, but all bet are off these days.

The best thing to do is to not ever call them or email them, problem solved!!


In my past experiences with PWRS, they have asked if they could call me back also. When they called me they always tried to pressure me into buying other stuff that was not what I was interested in at all, even though it might have been “my” roadname. They clearly think one needs to buy everything associated with one’s favorite roadname(s).

As the last post said, I WILL NOT call them again or deal with them again, no matter how much I might like their new boxcars. If I can’t buy that boxcar somewhere else than from them, I just won’t need it at all.

I could not stand their high pressure sales tactics, period.

Normal reputable dealers do not need to call you back about an item being in stock, unless it’s within 15 minutes or so–however long it takes them to physically go check the warehouse to make sure.

John Mock

That is why i rather someone like Scale Trains or Athearn Genesis to make the things i want.