QSI Quantum Sound Decoder not resetting

Broadway Limited E7 with QSI decoder.

I was attempting to speed match the QSI loco to three BLI E9 Paragon2. The QSI loco top speed was much faster - about 50% faster.

In doing so I somehow changed something, not sure what, but the net result is the QSI loco responds to it’s (changed) address, throttle up/down sounds, horn, etc, but now doesn’t move, no throttle response.

I tried resetting the decoder on the programming track and on the main using the recommended CV procedure in the manual:

CV49=128 CV50=255 CV56=113

I got a “good” response from the DigiTrax DT402D throttle but nothing has changed

Nevermind. Figured it out [:$]

Darn. I was ready to post some advice. What did you do to fix it?


Arto, this sounds to me like the classic QSI “won’t respond” issue. Try pressing F6 twice rapidly in succession and it might “wake up” even though you did a successful reset.

Regards, Chris

Rich, somehow CV5 got set to “0”. Which brings up another question for which I shall start a new subject.

Thanks, Arto.


Just wodnering, but how well were you able to speed match? Top end speed is one thing, but running in a consist another.

I’ve replaced many many of those QSI for people, installing a Paragon 3 or 4, which should speedmatch well even to a Paragon 2 since that algorhythm is the same between those. Many of those “upgrades” was for people having a hard time speed matching, so they wanted the newer decoder then.

Just offering advice to others who might read this thread whilst experiencing problems. Although it sounds like the OP solved his particular problem.

Sometimes QSI’s won’t reset without flicking the reed glass with your finger to dislodge it…but don’t break the glass with the flick…and don’t ask why I say this…

Also, to wake up some QSIs that have been sitting for a while, several of mine seem to wake up when put on a DC track and then turn the power all the way up, where they would never wake up on the DCC track no matter what CVs were changed. Then after woken up on DC, they work fine on DCC.

For those of us who are owned by cats, let me just say that QSI decoders are just like cats. They do what they want to do, when they want to do it. You cannot convince them differently.



Douglas, never heard of that trick. Will definitely try it next time a decoder goes wonky.

Regards, Chris