QSI upgrade chip removal problem

Has anyone experienced difficulty removing the old chip from the socket on a QSI circuit board? A friend has an Atlas Trainmaster in which the chip could not be removed with the proper chip extractor tool and excessive force. It of course is now inoperative. Another friend, who learned from this experience, just reported being unable to remove a chip from a Life Like RS10 with the proper tool. Two other locos done recently had no problem and neither did I with a Hudson.


I removed my chip from the M1a with a xacto screw driver… the smallest size.

Gently pried up one corner just a little.

Then gently pried the opposite corner JUST a little.


Eventually the whole chip came out with the pins intact. It’s important that it comes out evenly straight up as possible.

Also be very mindful of that corner with the notch on it… it is VERY similar to a CPU DIE with the number one pin or notched corner that should match the socket’s own notched corner.

DONT JAM that chip, MAKE SURE… MAKE &^%$ SURE that the pins are straight and should slide in.

Bring it to me at Trians and Such and Ill have a go for you.

David B