Quantum Sound Decoders won't Shut Up!

Only Quantum sound decoders, when on the track, won’t shut up. as soon as their powered up they will start saying “CV19 equals 0”. As most of you will know, CV19 has to do with a consist. I’m not running any consists. Nor have I any programed in my system (dynamis). They will repeat it sometimes more than 5 or 6 times. If just one of them is on, it will say it a couple of times. It seems when more than 2 are on, it continues a little longer. They will eventually stop as I get them running for awhile. I called Quantum, and believe it or not, the guy was stumped. All he could recommend is to turn the voice off with CV 60=0. That seems to work for at least 1 engine. But if I have more than 1 engine on, 1 might stop talking but the other won’t.

DId anyone else ever experience this? Or hear of this? any suggestions? Do I try to change CV10 to a different value?


Joe C.


You didn’t mention it but did you try performing a factory reset on each decoder?

  • CV49 = 128
  • CV50 = 255
  • CV56 = 113

Were these locomotives ever consisted using another DCC system?


No, I am one QSI user, both steam and diesel, initial decoders and newer Revolutions, who has yet to experience what you describe. Some of my QSI’s speak during CV changes, and at least one is silent. A CV controls that feature.

I agree, when a few minutes of pondering and some CV tweaking doesn’t make a decoder behave, it is time for a hard reset. It’s a pain, but within four minutes, including setting the most important five or six other CV’s once more, you are back in business.


Turning off the verbal response should stop it - but it isn’t stopping what’s REALLY happening - somethign is setting CV19 to 0 in that loco. It could be that it was in a consist that was broken up but since the command station didn’t get the message it keeps trying to remove it fromt he consist. See if there’s a way to reset the Dynamis. This very likely isn;t a decoder issue, but more of a command station issue.


You may have also picked up a female QSI decoder. I had one of those once and when I complained it got a lawyer. [:-^]



You might of nailed this on the head. I’ll try this but these engines were never in a consist so that it what makes this even more puzzling. If I do reset the Dynamis, will I lose my engine’s addresses?

Thanks again

Joe C.

No, resetting the command station only clears out what might be selected on it, it won;t alter the decoder’s programming any.
