Question about Dry Ice Cars


I have a question about cars used to ship dry ice. What years would this type car have been in service and where would the cars have been used? Would they have ever been used in the south?




Found one photo that shows a CO2 Car from the 1970’s ( era of the ‘RailWhales’!) the car is in the fleeet of the company ‘Liquid Carbonic’

linked here:

Add Edit: according to the link, Atlas made a scale model in ‘N’ scale, no longer avail.[|(]

Could fine no photo at any of the corporate web sites. Co2 production started around the turn of the 20th Century with Linde and then there was Liquid Carbonic, Corp; Cardox, Corp and currently Praxair. CO2 is manufactured either by burning natural gas, and extracting component gases; or it is fouind in the ground as a naturally occuring gas (that can be drilled for). Solid ‘DRY ICE’ is manufactured by compressing the CO2 into a liquid and then into a solid form, and it is carreid in insulated containers in van-type vehicles.

Cardox, Corp. used to have a plant at Gluckstadt, Ms. That produced a salable product that was hauled out in solid form or as a gas in tanker trucks, and (rail cars). Not sure if it is still ther (?)

I did not go to the RR pictures Archives to check there ( due to the warning in this Forum about their maleware, and pop-ups problems.) No point in tempting fate and asking to be in trouble.