Does anyone know what the glue used to paste inserts in magazines is called? It’s clear, sticky, but easily removable? It’s somewhat similar to rubber cement.
I looking for something to use to quickly tack together (and disassemble) a mock up layout with roadbed, structures, etc. made mostly of foamboard and cardboard.
Yep. It’s a rubber cement. The stuff in the magazines is a special formula made to be used in automated equipment. You’ll have to settle for the stuff from an office supply unless you want to order a drum of the stuff from a printer supply house.($$$)
Those old style refillable trigger pump oil cans work GREAT for dispensing the glue.
Believe it or not, it is called ‘Booger Glue’ in the publishing industry. It is used in the publishing industry to ‘tack’ inserts in a magazine. You can remove the insert and not tear/damage the publication.
A ‘Google’ search ‘booger glue’ will find lots of hits for the stuff…