Question about Turnouts

I was wondering what the difference between the Atlas Code 100 Custom line switchs and the mark 3s…is it the overall size of the frog. I am try’n to order some on line and was wondering because of the price difference what the difference between them was.

I think one of the differences is plastic frogs versus metal ones.

you will be better ordering the mark 3 …they have metal frogs that can be powered versus the custom line that has plastic frogs…the mark 3 is a #4 turnout while the custom line advertises a #4 but actually fits an 18" radius curved sectional track…I use the mark 3’s extensively on my layout with tortoise machines and they work great…you may need to take a jeweler’s file and file the flangeways on the frog a bit because atlas builds a small hump at the beginning and ends of the frog that humps the car wheels traveling through it…chuck

Thanks for the info

This is a question I’ve been confused about too. Does the metal frog mean a diffence in power to the track than with a custome line? And is an 18" custom line turn sharper than a number 4?

Thanks for the help

i’m confused . i’ll quote right off the packaging…

Code 100 , Nickel Silver
Item # 284
HO Custom-Line “Mark-3” Turnout

so is there a “Custom-Line” AND a “Custom-Line Mark-3”
confusing naming by atlas if that’s the case

Nope, not really confusing - think of it the same as software version numbers.

The original Atlas Custom-Line goes WAY back. Then they introduced an updated version with many improvements and called it Custom-Line Mark 2. The newest versions with still more improvements are Custom-Line Mark 3. Yes, a #6 is available with code 100 rail in all three versions, but they are not identical, the Mark 3 is the very newest.


Nope, even the metal frog turnouts from Atlas have insulated frogs, no wiring issues at all. The metal frog DOES allow you to power it though, which can help prevent short wheelbase locos from stalling. You need a relay or a switch machine with contacts to accompli***his powering of the frog.
There isn’t an 18" Custom Line turnout, that is the regular Atlas line Snap Switch. And yes, they are sharper than a #4 Custom-Line. The #4 Custom-Line ACTUALLY has a frog number of 4.5, so they are slightly less sharp than other brands of #4 turnouts.


Well when I looked at the underside of the switch itself, mine reads #4 Left Custom-line Atlas. It also has a metal frog. I am living over seas at this time and I have to reply on online ordering and just wanted to make sure that I ordered the same switches that I already had…LoL…Because I used the switches that I had to go ahead and lay all of my cork roadbed and I’m afraid that if I don’t get the right ones it’ll be messed up.
Thanks again

As long as you get the Custom-Line turnouts you will be fine. The Mark 2 and Mark 3 have the exact same geometry, the improvements are in appearance, the frog, and the way the point rails are fastened on.
