Question about Walthers code 83 double crossover

I want to use a Walthers code 83 Double cross over on my Layout. I was looking in the Walthers Catolog and it dosen’t say anything about Track center to center Spacing. Does anyone have one of them that can measure the distance from center to center of the two tracks? I figure it is the NMRA standard but I am not sure what it is?? I was thinking 3 inches but not sure. If someone could measure one and tell me I would greatly appriciate it.


The tracks are spaced on a 2" centerline on the double crossover in question.

Don Z.

Hey, firechief811 - Say “Thank you, Don”.

  • Gerhard

Thank you DON !!! You are right…I just saw the answer and I do Appriciate the answer

You’re welcome…I was starting to think you forgot about your question.

Don Z.