I posted this question on the prototype forum, but thought I would put it out there for everyone.
When I was a kid, I remember seeing MoPac coal drags made up of Large capacity (maybe 100 ton) that were solid black in color and had the small MoPac eagle herald (on one end) and M.P. over the road number on the other end. I only have one photo of these hoppers, but it is too small to be of much use. Does anyone out there have any photos that they would be willing to share with me? I have tried all the traditional sites for photos (Railfan, MPHS, etc) but have come up empty. I am trying to build up a coal train for my fleet, but want to use these hoppers specifically.
Thanks very much. I have been on these sites too and unfortunately, there is nothing about the hoppers I am looking for, however, there were some great photos of other freightcars that I also needed.
I think these were 100 ton hoppers and it looks like in the one photo I have that there are 5 gates underneath. I can tell you that I saw them in the 80s. This is becoming quite a challenge to find pics of these cars.
I can’t help with the pics you’re looking for, but I must say that it is good to see that there are some other true blue MoPac fans (pun intended) on this forum. It seems to me that we are too few and far between.
I know what you mean buddy. I grew up not far from the repair facility in NLR. All my friends and their dads worked at MoPac (I joined the military). I listened to the lonely sound of blue bird horns into the wee hours of the morning during the Summer. I miss them and it is kinda weird to go home and see the change. When I left, they were still Jenks Blue. I joined the MPHS and check the forums there as often as I can, but there doesn’t seem to be as much activity as there is here. If you would like to compair notes or just talk about the old days, you can e-mail me at shootfirstasklater@hotmail.com I would be interested in any info you might have. I am posting some photos of the latest project I finished this weekend, so have a look and tell me what you think.
I grew up along the Sedalia sub in west-centray MO (Warrensburg). My family had no particular tie to the railroad, but I was a natural railfan from my earliest childhood memories. I was a teenager when the UP merger took place and I watched the transformation to the canneries then to all UP paint–sad days for me. I have moved around some as an adult, but strangely 24 of my 38 years I have lived in towns that were on the old Sedalia sub–including the present. My house is less than 1/4 mile from the line.
I modeled MoPac for several years. I mad a switch to BNSF a few years back because I wanted to model modern diesels, I loved BNSF’s paint scheme, and I lived for 3 years in an area of north Texas that begged to be modeled. I remain an avid MoPac fan and collector of memorabelia, however.
I have 2 Athearn AC4400s that I plan to do in a Jenks blue and the other in the canary scheme as “what if” models as a conversation starter when I get my layout done. I also have a couple of Rock Island hoppers/boxcars, BN locos, and a new BNSF SD70M that will make an occasional appearance on the layout. I want to be able to switch back and forth as the mood strikes.
The good thing about Arkansas scenery is that most of it still looks the same as when I was a kid there. I am thinking about doing a replica of the old Rock Island bridge across the Ark river at Little Rock since I remember seeing a few trains cross it when I was yound before they closed it. I am happy to say that a handful of very sharp people managed to convince UP to sell it instead of destroying it. They made it an historic site and it still stands today.