Question for all shelf layouts

Does anyone add any accessories? I realize the shelf does not provide much space, but I notice that K-Line is coming out with some nice looking “facade” lighted buildings that look tailor made for shelf layouts with very little depth. I would like to make one side of the room a bit deeper and add a few trees, lamps, people or buildings that are designed with minimal depth.

Clark Dunham, a professional layout builder, has done some nice scenes along back walls. He has cut plasticville buildings in half (60/40) so that one is slightly deeper than the other then installed them together along a wall. He has done some nice other things also. CTT has covered some of his layout in previous issues. I also believe TM videos has done a video on his layouts

I remember seeing another guy’s shelf layout that blew-up photos of his favorite buildings to the right scale, pasted them on masonite, cut out the windows and installed lights behind it. Nice effect. This may have also been on a TM video if I remember correctly.


Tim Pignatari


Those are great ideas. I will look for the Tom McComas video and I wonder if there is a way to find that old issue of CTT that had the layout featured. I will check with one of the CTT guys on this site. Thanks!

At the top of the page there is a link “Index of Magazines”. From this site you can seach many train related magazines. I found two articles listed in CTT plus some other magazines. The two CTT articles are:

CTT Mar/Apr 1995 page 58, :How Dunham Studios Created Americas Railroads on Parade"

CTT Jan/Feb 1993, page 70, “Valley Junction Toy Train Museum” Created by Clark Dunham.

I hope this is helpful.


Tim Pignatari