Hey guys
Can anybody tell me what part of Hamilton is Bayview junction laocated in??
Hey guys
Can anybody tell me what part of Hamilton is Bayview junction laocated in??
It’s not far from the Royal Botanical Gardens, between the gardens themselves and the bay.
There’s a good chance the gate to the parking lot will be closed and locked. If it’s open and you get caught up there you may be accused of illegal dumping as some of the locals take great pleasure in doing. Watch out for one of the CN cops that prowl the area. He’s bad enough on the employees so he just might bring the gun out for trespassers. Also be very careful when driving anywhere around that road up to Bayview. The road zigzags on either side of the bridge for the tracks so it’s a blind intersection for anyone going up or down the hill towards the bay.
Signal Mechanic. Signal Department. Canadian National Railways.
The RBG has a garden and parking lot at the top of the hill just overlooking the eastern switches. It’s a very nice site if you take your wife in for a picnic (in the warmer weather) and they aren’t as particular as CN is.