Question for everyone,

What ballast works best for you? I am starting to ballast my Ho scale track.

Never tried anything but Woodland Scenics; has always worked well for me…

I would say go with Fine or N scale… it is more scale that the medium sized ballast

Woodland Scenics - - - Medium.

In my HO days I used Woodland Scenics, medium grade. Good stuff, used 50% white glue, 25% water, 25% rubbing alcohol applied with a dropper.

Today I used ‘El Gato Cheepo Grande’ kitty litter, stained to color of choice, but I dont recommend it for u as I am in G gauge


Woodland scenics fine ballast. Available at every hobby shop.

I use Woodland Scenics.

Smith and Sons, they are out of Ohio and have a great many choices on size and color. Most of their ballast is crushed and sorted from the real thing.
