On the CSX (former B&O) line near my home, I’ve regularly been seeing leased SD40-2’s painted in a faded red color. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me. Does anybody know who these belong to or - better yet - where I can find online photos of them?
Thanx in advance
Hard to say from just the color. Is there any lettering or reporting marks on the locomotives? Faded red could mean that they are former CP Rail locomotives…do any markings lead towards this conclusion? Are the headlights over the cab or on the short hood?
Nothing but some white numbers (sorry didn’t see what they were…)
Somehow I doubt they are former CPRs - there seems to be a hint of burgundy in the pinkisk color, not as ‘orangey’ as CPR.
Cab, I think…(?)
could be the Indianna railroad SD40-2’s that csx got in exchange for letting them test some GE’s
Thanx guys! Actually, I found it on rr-fallenflags.org - a HELM unit, #6315.