Listen to this video and you can hear both Cody, and the Kato rep pronounce it.
Well, for my age it is…
That, too… [:D]
42 that’s the answer. [(-D]
anywho as long as they keep putting out great N scale models I’m a happy camper who will gladly say “take my card!”
let’s see asked for an NP NCL, and a BN executive F unit pair. Come on Kato, let’s get us some NP rep. in N scale!
The company’s founder, pronounces his name “Hiroshi Kah-to” (rhymes with lotto). In the Japanese language, there are no long “aaaaaay” vowels.
He was quoted as saying that he personally doesn’t care how you pronounce his company’s name, as long as you pronounce his last name correctly.
For you “Kay-toe” people, don’t worry, you’re not alone. I used to think that way. In fact, when I’m reading, I mentally still pronounce it as “Kay-toe.” But when speaking, I use “Kah-toe.” The problem with the model railroading hobby is, that unless you’re a member of a club, you get your knowledge of the hobby through reading, and not through talking/listening, so you don’t hear the proper pronunciation enough to fortify your use of it. I used to think Kadee was pronounced, “Kuh-DEE,” or Bachmann as “batch-man.”
One of my friends in jr. high school, who had a Tyco train set, used to pronounce “couplers” as “coe-plerz.”
I used to think it was “Sud-yam”
Yep, it’s good to correctly pronounce a name and I finally picked up that it is Kah-Toe from Cody’s Office after close to 25 years of saying Kay-Toe. When I first heard him pronounce it I thought “Interesting” and par for the course that I wouldn’t have it right, after all it is a Japanese name!
Personaly, I don’t think this topic is worth 2 pages of posts! But, Hey, my opinion and $1.98 will buy me a cup of coffee, right?
How weird is it, to actually agree with Atlantic Central about something!?
You’re all wrong.
KATO is pronounced, Mostly N Scale. [(-D]