If you restore trains and use a tumbler for cleaning up metal parts, what type of media do you use in the tumbler?
I have been using a media (Black Beauty), I think is the name of it,that is used in sand blasting and seems to work O.K. But is there anything better then this?
Read on a website that the person uses a media called Balcone made of carbon steel. Any one hear or use this?
I have not tried stripping paint, other than some sanding of accessories. I remember reading somewhere that you want to avoid using metal grit to do the job as it might pit the surface of the train you are stripping.
For stripping of sheet metal parts, a glass bead has always worked well for me. I agree, most sand is too much though.
But I belive the poster is looking more for suggestions on using a tumbler to clean up/polish plated trim parts like siderods, handrails and the like. Ican’t help you with a specific media for this unfortunately, but I have used a tumbler and have friends that have as well with decent results. I think the key here is that a polish job can only bring back so much! In other words, if its to far gone, you may be wasting your time. I also know of guys that would remove the plating and then have the parts replated. Questionable as to whether this is cost effective.
I would like to mention that Harbor Freight has a 50# box of glass beads for a sandblaster. Their regular price is $35… Are there better prices to be found when compared to this ??? Thanks in advance for any information…BDT