Question on 2332 GG1 power truck

I took apart an original 2332 GG1 power truck today and after cleaning it thoroughly, I see evidence that the large gear end wheels are “walking” side to side in the truck and rubbing on the smaller pinion gears-there are scuff marks on the inside edges of the large geared drive wheels. How big a problem is this-should I try to shim it ?

This symptom is usually caused by worn gears, especially the worm wheel on the axle. Many of the old Berkshires had the same problem. Replace the pinion gears also while you have the wheels apart.


This would necessitate a wheel press-is that correct? If so, does anyone know the part number for the correct wheel puller?

A wheel puller is needed to remove the wheels. A wheel press is needed to replace them. It may be more financially advisable to let a repair shop do the work for you. There are workarounds to using the proper tools, but results are not guaranteed, and damage to your wheels/trucks may result.
