We are building an n-scale layout on a door with 2" foam using Kato track (which has the roadbed built into it. In addition, we are using WS risers & inclines. We will build up some terrain/tunnels with foam/newspaper and and plaster cloth.
Here’s the big questions:
Do we need to plaster the whole layout, or just where we have terrain (and then pain/scenic th “flat” areas where we will add raods, buildings, etc.
Do we need to plaster the risers, or is it sufficient to use WS foam paste to seal the “gaps”, and then paint it, and scenic around the kato unitrack?
Seems like one answer could mean alot of work, and the other just a little.
no reason to plaster the whole layout unless you are modeling rugged terrain across the whole board. Paint the foam and sprinkle ground foam, rocks, grass, etc. As far as the risers I take paper towels and dip them into a plaster soup and then cover the risers to make a grade on each side then paint and cover with ground covers, rocks, etc
You are a lot further ahead than I am. Just got DCC and still getting use to it on a test track. Perhaps you could provide me with some of your experiences using WS risers and inclines which I have been contemplating using with unitrack. I have not purchased the inclines or riser yet
Something I have been wondering are the WS inclines abrupt at the ends, what I mean is when you reach the top of the incline and have reached the elevaytion desired, how did you get around the fact that the unitrack will not flex, if you end a track section at the top, how do you handle the transition to the new elevation.