Hi gents/ladies,
I’ve finally reached the point with my “layout-in-a-box” where I can start laying track. (In case you didn’t see my first post here, I’m building Woodland Scenics’ Scenic Ridge using Atlas code 80 snap track)
I’ve been looking forward to this but it’s turning out to be a pain in the you-know-what.
First off, rail joiners doth truly sucketh. They come 4 to a strip, which need to be cut off and nipped if they’re too long to allow the ends of the rails to butt together. Tedious at best, and installation is the same, but painful. Darn things tend to poke right into your finger!
And most of them wind up fitting very loosely!
I ruined a few in an attempt to tighten things up by squeezing them more “closed” before installation, or by crimping them down after.
Just how tight do they need to be?
On that note…After getting all the track down something isn’t right. I assumed it would all follow the centerline of the foam risers, and it does in some areas but not in others-Especially if I make sure the rail ends are butted together completely. If I force sections close to center it opens gaps.
I don’t suppose being off center is a big deal in areas other than where clearances may be tight, like tunnel entrances, but should I be concerned about the gaps? Is that normal with sectional track?
Lastly, I’ve been trying to figure out how to determine scale for landscaping, but again something isn’t right. For example, let’s say I want to model the Matterhorn. That little molehill is 14,692’, which equates to 102’ when converted to 1/144 scale unless my math is off. Obviously that’s one mighty heap of plaster of paris to fit onto my little 3x6 layout.
Things seem better when lesser distances are calculated, for example a 20’ cliff works out to .14" @ 1/144, so I’m guessing some f