Quick! Hide Your Helix


How many turns is that?


Most of my “real layout”, the one I’m transitioning to, will be done with cardboard strips and plaster hardshell. Though I won’t mind a bit using foam wherever it works and seems a better choice. Gonna be using spline roadbed construction. Already got the splines cut and standing by. Any yards or large areas will probably be shallow foam over plywood. The helix itself will be cut from plywood.

Definitely agreed. I keep eyeballing the sump-pump area, its such sweet location, but you’re right that I’m probably asking for trouble there-- and probably at 3am too :slight_smile: I will be building sections in front of the pump area, but they’ll be liftouts that can come out if need be. Its harder to make a helix that way. I wouldn’t wanna try anyway. Too easy to get it out of whack.

If the door was there I could take the extra 2 or 3 feet I’m leaving for the walkway and I’d have room for some nice big turning loops-- could set up a nice double-loop herniated & reverted run so I could gain the altitude, pop out now and again, and hide a lot of the elevation gain.

I so much preferred my old layout plan. (sigh)

The irony is that when its all said and done, I’ll bet ya a crisp, new $100 bill that she never even moves down