Quick question about Bachmann Shay Repair Kit

I wish there was a way to ask a quick question without making a big deal.

A couple of years ago I bought a repair kit for my Shay.

I can’t find it.

I would have left it in its packaging.

Anyone know what kind of packaging it would have come in?


Are you talking about the side frame gears that NWSL sold/ sells? If so, they would be on a green and yellow card about 4.5" X 3" with a little plastic baggie attached with gears in it.


It could be NWSL, but I bought it from Bachmann.

Check the Bachmann site There is a lot of info there.You do not have to join.

I would post a link but I did once and someone must have complained. The Powers That Be removed the link.


Most likely you bought the replacement sideframe assemblies or if you were really lucky a set of replacement trucks. The parts I have purchased from Bachmann came in a plastic bag inside a padded envelope…not much help


Chip: would you have opened the package to check the contents for damage, or just squirreled it away unopened – ‘I’ll remember this when I get around to it’?

Does part of your house bear a slightly concerning similarity to that warehouse where the Ark is? [:)] I think you’ve mentioned a couple of 'I forgot I got this’es recently… if so, are some of the piles or areas common either to the time you bought and received the parts, or to prior clean-ups or reorganizing efforts that might have stuck them in a different place?

I recently found two 19j English pocket-watch movements at the bottom of a garbage bag full of stuff – the result of cleaning out of stuff stored in an apartment salvaged out of a truck that contained stuff moved out of a house (stuff that had been ‘temporarily’ stacked up in boxes when reorganizing a room, circa 2006… [:-^]). Sometimes this stuff grows surprisingly creative legs when it isn’t needed or actively thought about…

Was the Replacement kit sideframes?

A couple years ago Bachmann was selling replacement trucks assemblies, but they are out of stock, last I looked.

I have a Shay I bought in the 90’s. Only recently had it converted to DCC, but it hasn’t had more than a breaking in. I do have a set of NWSL replacement gears.


That’s just scary.

I found them just before I read your post.

A couple of years ago, I sorted out all the stuff that was inappropriate on my layout for sale on eBay. I had more stuff than boxes, so I rounded up all my boxes and put them with the eBay stuff.

The box from Bachmann was unopened–but light like it was empty and it didn’t rattle. And it made it’s way to the empty boxes for the stuff I’m selling on eBay.

Not quite as bad as the National Archives… At one time I owned a National Mail-order vitamin outlet and money wasn’t as tight then. I bought all kinds of model railroad stuff at that time, some of which I forgot about. I bought “lots” on eBay looking at what I thought was worth the money, but I got a lot of other stuff, too. (I might have 5 re-railers that look like shoehorns.)

I have sorted through my stuff and I think it is organized.

My train room got downsized but well orginized and I still lose stuff, was missing a zip texturing brush, just found it on the main yard, moved there as I was plaster clothing the main layout.

While I was going through the eBay boxes, I also found a box from my soldering station. Inside was a desoldering tool, a spare heating element, and a sample of solder they recomend.

All the other boxes were truly empty. I checked every one.