After installing a Soundtraxx decoder into an Atlas HO RSD 4/5 and tweaking some CV values I was able to greatly improve the running charateristics of this model. However, I have encountered one quirky problem which appears to be some interaction between a turnout frog (Walthers DCC friendly type) and the first truck passing through the frog point towards the turnout points. For whatever reason the loco comes to complete stop and then typically restarts - seemingly as if complete contact is lost or there is a momentary short (but it does not shut down the DCC system). This is the only loco on my roster that does this.
I’ve satisfied myself that the frog is in spec per my NMRA gage (though most had to be adjusted somewhat) and can’t see anything obvious when the engines passes through the frog - but ya’ never know. Years ago when encountering a loco that suffered from poor or limited connections, I’d add a track slider and the problem went any.
Any ideas of what to look for here would be helpful.