radius size

minumium radius for N 4884’s. what is the tightest you would go? I want to use a 14" radius. as my layout is3’x5’.

your layout is 36 inches across so you could go with a larger radius and with the 4-8-8-4 engine, it will be happier on wider curves. You could easily go to 16 inch radius’s.

I assume your locomotive is a Con Cor Big Boy. I have one and ran it around a temporary loop with 93/4" radius curves with no trouble at all.

Both of the drive engines on this model pivot for tight radius curves.

I was running my Big Boy during home layout tours last friday night, pulling 44 freight cars. The tightest curve on my current layout is 15", but that one is away from view.

The biggest issue with tight radii with this type of locomotive is it’s appearence as it negotiates them. When the rear drive engine pokes out from under the boiler, it loses some of the realism.

The easiest solution to your dilema, is to set up a temporary test track and see how it does.

I hope this is helpful.