what the heck?
what the heck?
That is the result of a nonfunctioning wheel slip relay, and a rug rat playing with the box 20 carlengths away. Not to worry…the railroads will cover this junk up to keep the RCO program “clean” so the FRA won’t pull the plug on it…
These are a few years old.
Apparantly it was a set of units left dead in a siding. Vandals managed to get the middle unit going, and by the time the train crew turned up in the morning this was the result.
I always wanted to know how they got the unit out of the holes…
I remember seeing a similar photo in Trains some years ago and the story, if I remember right, is that during WW II an Iranian Railways Alco stalled – it was so hot the crew had fallen asleep and the wheels did something similar to this.
Dave Nelson
Not shown: Roadmaster with “blood in his eye” looking for cause of wheel burn creator.
(six boutet welds, 4 replacement rails and gang time…not cheap!)
I remember seing this a few years ago, but I was told it was a dead train sitting there with the lead unit left running to maintain air for the train, and vandals had jumped up there and placed the unit in reverse and notch 3 or 4 not sure but you can still see the results. The train did not move because the train tied the train down as per the rules (all locos and 10% of the cars).
Did they have to replace the wheelsets too? I would think they would have lost some of their profile, or at least lost a lot of their life.
Wheel sets at least would have to be replaced. I can imagine the traction motors all arched to hell and burn out. Perhaps even the brake rigging damaged as the wheels shaped changed, chunks of rail welded to the wheel.
Same photos at CSX sux…
Atributed to a RCO trying to shove too large a cut, moved it some, stalled, then some more, and again…till they got it rolling…
Yeah, RCOs are so productive…they create new work for the MOW every day…
Note the pick up and its owners name on the side…
I remember seeing these photos before CSX had remotes. I think it was around the year 1999 and remotes came around in 2001, dont get me wrong I hate RCOs just as much as the next engr but I dont think they did this. If I am wrong please let me know.
They had a similar photo of a Conrail helper set where the helper engineer (1 man crew) fell asleep and kept shoving even after the head end stopped, same result.
Don’t forget the engine shop people, Ed. One shop man told me they have to run all the RCO engines through the shop every few weeks to “tighten up all the loose pipe connections…” after being slam dunked continually.
Woah…never seen that before!!!
stay safe
Nice mess…
Anyone know conclusively wether it was vandals or remote units?
Seems to be some discussion going both ways.,
Probably vandals…were there even remotes on Class 1s in 1999?
Put 10 MPH on it
BaltACD- The M&M twins, Missouri and Mike, would love your signature picture![:D]
I should go to CSX-sucks and stir them up!
that would be fun indeed!
this happend sompleace near here…the real story behind it…is
it happend around 1999…the train was stopped at a red signal for a while…mutipule unit consist…all the units but 1 stopped loading while sitting at idle…the 3rd or 4th unit in the consist had a mulfuntion… and keep 3 wheels turning dispite the throtle being shut off… the end result is the sweet rail burn that we are talkinga bout today…
csx engineer