Rail Mergers

Trains Magazine - July 2003 - Larry Kaufman article. Last paragraph.

Merger of BNSF-KCS-NS-CN and on the other side UP-CSX-CP, ending up with 2 major railroads.

Any thoughts pro or con?


bnsf and the ns is very posible and the csx and the up also not sure of the others

I think UP wont let BNSF get the KCS, for no other reason than KCS has something UP wanted really bad, the Tex Mex and TFM, the last piece in the puzzle that would let UP own the western half of North America. Remember a few years ago, Up tried to buy the mexican national railroad, and Haverty came out of nowhere and ponyed up the money, so KCS ended up the high bidder? Up, and KCS both know that a lot more manufacturing is going to move south of the border, with their help, and a lot more goods are going to start flowing into mexico, as well as out.If they get the KCS and CP, you can paint the western half of North America Armour Yellow.
BNSF and NS are just about the same railroad already, if BN would just get in gear and get NS and CSX to work out the money issue, bet CN would help, look where CN yards are, the three roads cover everything east of the mississippi already, most of the chicago interchange traffic, and with CN, they would form a railroad thats not only east and west, coast to cost connections, but north and south from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
Stay Frosty,

Ns and BNSf are a good fit.They could build a better interchange yard in Kansas city too.On CSX I’ve seen run through power of both bnsf and up and cp.Time will tell.Jen I just found out grandma is making her secret ice cream dessert for this weekend.Matt says we’d send you some but it would melt.
stay safe

Tell Matt to send it on a reefer car - BNSF to Lincoln!


grandma works at place keeps things cold for cambells. maumee & western transfer to CSX transfer to bnsf Chicago.hmmm how long would it take to get to lincoln nebraska?It will be on top of the v-8 juice.
stay safe

Ok this starts with a story of mergers and NOW YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ICE CREAM YOU HAVE PROBLEMS!!!

UP - so what is your thinking on the mergers? Are you for or agin? And why?


So what will happen when there are only two major railroads left? Will it be utopia?? Will it get all trucks off the hiways? Will it be like the “big bang” theory, where all the railroad will break into small lines again? Or will it ultiately merge into one railroad? Who will be the winner??

The winners will be the CEO’s and that ilk; the losers will be the employees and shippers.

Hillbilly Harrison has already performed the Americanised Coperate Terrorism of CN employees with his shock and awe antics up here in Canada. I feel that the once proud and purely Canadian, Canadian National Railways will soon fade away, not only in name, but also as a national railway in Canada. Almost 33 years on and less than 4 to go. I wouldn’t do it again. Gene B.

Hi UP,
With railroaders, food is never, ever a problem, unless you tell them where it is, then the problem is you dont have any left for yourself.
Stay Frosty,

Maybe, maybe not. I think you will see UP, in what ever form it ends up, as the big bulk railroad, into and out of mexico, lots of unit trains, and a good intermodel service. BNSF will end up running the Chicago to LA intermodel, and something like the old blue streak merchandiser. And remember, Santa Fe did intermodel right, and BNSF really stands for Brand New Santa Fe, a lot of the old SF guys stayed, and a lot still run the show. If both of the super roads do what they should, you should see big interchange yards in the middle of the country, to trade trains off, classify and block trains for their destinations, and then, at their final destinations, I bet a lot of new short lines, and belt lines will spring up, because the two super roads wont have the need or the desire to do the local switching, there will not be enough profit in it to justify the cost.
That why the railroad I work at exsist now, because in 1924, when we were created, over 50 different railroad entered Houston, and there way no way they could all build tracks into the city, or to the industries that are here. Pretty much, if it comes into the port of houston proper, the city docks or anywhere on either side of the Houston ship channel, we service it. We pull and spot the industries, take their cars to our north yard, or pasadena yard, and interchange with UP, BNSF and Tex Mex. Save them the cost and headaches of trying to service over 400 industries crammed into 90 miles along a waterway. And we do it cheaper than any of the three could, because our cost is less. We dont have to maintain thousands of miles or track and infrastructure, we employee 350 T&E personel, and about 120 office employees, including the officers of the company.
My bet is that if we do end up with two super roads, each one will custom fit itself for it’s side of the mississippi, leave the local work for railroad like mine, and the rates and service will improve. Every time a car sits still, in a yard, or in the shippers sidding, it cost the railroad and t

According the Trains Newswire last week UP just took a bunch of UPS traffic from BNSF Chicago-LA route. That must be a shock to BNSF who I imagine thought UP couldn’t touch that traffic given their stellar service and UP’s longer route. Any ideas why UPS would make such a move?

I know railroad employees may not like the Harrison/Tellier duo of the 1990’s/2000’s, however I seem to remember the first half of the 1990’s were pretty bleak for Canadian railroads. Both CN and CP were bleading red ink year faster then you can say bankruptcy. It seemed there was no future for Canadian railroads. AT the time the arguement was that they couldn’t compete with the US railroads and trucks for a number of reasons such as higher taxes, higher fuel costs etc. Weren’t the mainlines in Eastern Canada were going to be merged into one railroad because they were losing so much money they either had to merge or go into bankruptcy. Then along came Tellier. I can’t speak to what he did to the employees (other than the obvious job cuts) but within a few years the cries that the railroads were dying subsidied and were replaced with talks of profit. Then the operating ratio started to drop dramatically. Discussions went from the inevitable collapse to stories of success and imitation of CN by US rivals. It is too bad if the employees suffered but I wonder where CN would be if wasn’t for Tellier and Harrison. Who knows may be a good tax increase would have taken care of it all. But that would have tough since at the same time the government of Canada was slipping towards bankruptcy and was only saved by a gentleman of similiar quality to Tellier and Harrison…Paul Martin. The medicene was tough but necessary and ultimately worked for both.

Cut jobs and track and the profit goes up. Short term as it is. Simple as that. CN is a private company that is not there for Canadians but for the foreign investers. Plus there are yet more trucks on the road than ever before. Gene B.

Well Jen my feeling is that the mergers are ok but the way it is is fine too so really both ways would be fine I just dont see why it went from talking mergers to ice cream.


I know at the time I read this though i thought that it was strange that they went from mergers to food


well, because we are humans - and humans like to visit a little. That way the forum doesn’t get so rigid that we can’t be flexible at all. It isn’t a political forum where you can only talk about the subject at hand. And the ice cream was an inside joke - involving some chocolate cake that I was guarding. So if you don’t mind a little humor, that is what it was about. If however, you want to stay strictly to the subject, you will just have to ignore some of us who poke a little fun at each other.

But believe me, when it is train-talk, I am dead serious about that! I want to learn and I am very serious about that too! So choose your side, stay tuned and join in.


Foul! I only got a little frosting on my fingers. You can’t prove a thing!
