Two big smoken super-modified locomotives side by side sitting on some super-modified “sure grip” rail…signals showing red, red, red, red, yellow, green…boom!!! Locos instantly wind up their torque and blast down the line. He who red lights it, low torques it, or spins his wheels loses… I’d pay money to see that, in any fuel class.
Why does thins conjure up images of a small 040 steam switcher with a jet engine out the back where the firebox door would be?
Didn’t I read that Jim Wrinn, editor of Trains Magazine, drag races shays?[:P]
This sort of brings to my mind images of a super modified 2-8-2, complete with wings and a pair of jet engines!![:P]
trains had pictures and stories of how the pennsy and nyc would race on parallel tracks out chicago to head for nyc.and this was EVERYDAY.
stay safe
SeetheincredibleultrapowerSD100!8000groundpoundinghorespowerwildmanmaxbexwildtakingonBIG BAD BOB’sAC9000SUPER GE!! Don’t missit. Off I-80 Blairstownwestjerseyraildragcityqualifingstartsat6PMdiscountvouchersat area NJtransit stationsBETHERE!!![(-D]
Lord! What are you guys smokin?
Would you limit the fireman to one or two shovels? Or, even allow TWO firemen, [as in China?]
Would stokers be allowed? [}:)]
Anthricite or Bituminous for fuel? [:O]
Would UD DOT allow double tracking of the loop at Pueblo?[alien]
Could Chad Thomas get the Popcorn concession?[dinner]
Would Ed B. collect the tickets?[#oops]
So many questions, so little time![:-^]
I’m sure some of you guys good with Photoshop could come up with a Pro-Stock F7!
Perhaps, like the NHRA, there would be different classes…
Instead of Stock, Super Fuel, and Funny Car, how about…
Stock, Any FUel, and FUnny Cab…[:-^]
…any chance we would see a loco do a wheelie?!!
Seriously though…I would pay money to see that…there could even be Loco Pulls competitions but I suppose we have that now…we call em trains! [:D]
A fiery burnout would be appropriate…and how about the action in the pits…
yep…and after a races the rail grinder would come out an polish down the tracks,…man the crowds would love that !!
Quarter mile drag rail …
In the left lane, we have a shiny new ES44AC.
In the right lane, we have an oldie but goodie, an SD40-2.
Both are geared at 70:17.
Hmm, who wins?
You know there is no reason this couldn’t be done on a scale basis…dig up some older track, throw on a couple of older engines, get your buddies over with a box of beer and have a blast.[:)]
Okay, gentlemen, you have 90 minutes to tear down, go through, and rebuild the locomotive before the next race…
Interesting thought…
Surely when you said “box” of beer, you meant to say “boxCAR” of beer.[swg]
Even a raggedity old GP9 could whup any GE in a race!
Isn’t that why steam locomotives were articulated like a giant hings? The front half did the wheelie, and the back half kept the locomotive on the rails?
Light motor, the SD would leave the GE in the starting gate.
Well if it happens my money is on Doc. Emmit Brown (Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future III).
Seriously though, If I was going to pay money for train related entertainment, I would want to see a good old staged cornfield meet at track speed. But that’s just the kind of warped person I am.[:D]