Hello All!
Many of you may have seen this website before, but I stumbled across it last night… The site allows you to listen to BNSF and some CSX and other railroad radio transmissions between switching yards, head units, and dispatch towers… So far I haven’t heard much activity but every so often transmissions come through, so if youre at the computer and have time to listen in, the site is http://www.railroadradio.net/ in case anyone is interested…
I listen in on this sight. I mainly listen to the Twin Cities. Seems to be pretty active. Dissapointed that the southeastern MN. sight is down as my mother is from Winona,MN and I spent many summers on vacation in that area.
The St Louis, MO is pretty active right now too… I think its part of a switching yard or siding… just heard that an engine broke down and is being switched out for fresh ones… I was also disappointed that the Chicago one doesnt have too much communication on it… ill probably switch channels a few times tonight and find which ones have more going on in them…