Here is the good word for a lot of good people.P.I. Engineering, use pro-TrainMaster project to be compatible with Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS), and will call this product “TrainMaster™ Train Simulator”. You can go to , and subscribe to the e-mail updates. Enjoy Your Rail…Driver! ACJ.
I love my rail driver. One of the best things I’ve gotten since getting MSTS. I highly recomend it to anyone.
Noah, are you using RailDriver with any other sim? I enjoy TrainMaster’s Demo download, and even though I’m using a dial-up modem, I know it was worth the wait. The program responds so much like a real locomotive, it embaresses me to make a mistake. That demo is not the first train sim I’ve operated, and everyone knows that you don’t make your first run anywhere alone, without a pilot engineer, who knows the road, and the demo signal, displayed “clear” so i’m doing 50’ out across the prairie, when low and behold, there is not only a train on the main line, but my diverging signal displays clear! When my F40 turned over on it’s side, the program ended, and even though the frame rate was '70 something, it took about 15 minutes out of my life to realize I hadn’t done anything wrong! Enjoy Your Throttle Time!/ACJ.
I use my rail driver with Microsoft train simulator, as that’s the only one I’ve gotten, but I might get TRAINZ soon too. I Get mine from the Local library system as kind of a “Demo”, but with MSTS, you don’t need the CD once you load it, so I just use it and have never had to buy it, but I do have to reload the game every 3 or 4 months. It’s really neat. I’ll have to go take a look at the one your talking about and see what it’s all got.
I wi***hat the Rail Driver company would hurry up and come out with the adaption for driving models with it. I would really like to do that, as it seems like it would be really neat.
Search the train sim forums on TRAINS.COM Forums and get TrainzUTC for free!
I agree with Noah- the raildriver console simplifies yet enhances the MTS experience. And I highly recommend (as I’ve stated in other posts) a good quality speaker system (Altec Lansing with powered sub!) to greatly enhance your enjoyment of this software.
It’s probably the closest thing to real you can get - until they come out with the next great innovation.