Railfanning Info about San Antonio

I will be in San Antonio next month for several days and need updated info to “Hot Spot” article in Oct 94 TRAINS. Where’s a good place(s) to railfan San Antonio? I thought about the Amtrak station but the article suggest the “tower” locations. Also, how many freights now use the old SP line? And the old MP line? I will have transportation. Thank you for your assistance.

James, I believe most of the info in that issue of TRAINS is still current. The old SP depot (just north of the Alamodome, east of downtown) is definitely worth a look-the new Amtrak depot is immediately adjacent. Check out the I&GN depot on the west side of downtown (it is now a credit union). The last standing tower in SA was about a mile north (timetable east) of the SP depot, but it may be gone now. The interlocking of the old SP and MP is just southwest of downtown-this is not a great area of town, especially at night-but it is the busiest as far as rail traffic. The southbound Texas Eagle (#21) comes down the MP at night. The north bound (#22) backs out of the depot and then pulls ahead on the old MKT which is about a mile south of the Amtrak depot. Trains #1 & #2 use the old SP main. BNSF has track rights through San Antonio-I think they come down the MP headed south and go west on the SP to Eagle Pass. Lastly, check out the Texas Transportation Co.-they switch the Pearl Brewery just off of hwy 281 north of downtown and are the last traction railway in Texas (if they’re still operating.)