railfanning near CSX wyoming yard (MI)

Hi all,
I don’t know if this it the correct place to ask this but I’m going to ask anyway. Does anyone know were the best spots are to railfan near the CSX wyoming yard in Grand Rapids MI? I will be in the area soon and I would like to get the best view possible. Thanks in advance.

Going all the way from Holland? [;)]

You may find a group of the faithful at the foot of Judd Street–you’re at the east end of the yard, but on public property. The view over to the diesel shop may be blocked from there, but then again you might get lucky. I think Judd intersects directly with Chicago Drive; you’ll have to turn left (north) to get to the yard.

Mind you, I’m not a photographer–so if that is your definition of “railfanning”, this may not be the best option for you.

Upon first glance at the Thread title I thought… “Wait a second… CSX doesnt have a yard in Wyoming!” [:P]

Judd St is the best spot around the yard itself. To have a view of the west end go behind the Mobil station off Chicago Dr. Stay up on the upper level though. Check out these sites.




As I mentioned in one of my “Where-is-it” threads, Wyoming was probably the operational heart of the Pere Marquette; its car shops actually built some freight cars for both PM and C&O. Compared to what was once there, today’s operations might be called “MiniWyoming”!


LMAO!!! Good one Carl!!!

He’s (JR’s) not gonna understand Cincinnati’s upscale NNW suburbs either…