Railroad "Company Stores" -- How Good?

All the Class One RR’s maintain online “company stores” that sell branded merchandise, caps, drinkware, playing cards, railroadiana, etc. Even CRANDIC sells its legendary logo on T-shirts.

Have you tried such services and if so, what was the experience like? Were the prices fair? Was the merchandise what you expected? How was the service? Have you shopped other sites for branded and railroadiana and what was the experience like in comparison?

Xmas shopping is upon us and such shared info may be highly useful.




BNSF has a great company store. I have several different items which include t-shirt/ball cap combos, long-sleeved denim shirts among other things. Their service is second to none as far as I’m concerned when it comes to shipping and getting exactly what I ordered. Their prices are also really good, under 20 bucks for the above mentioned combo.

Many large companies like Caterpillar also have large “company stores”. Usually, they contract with an exclusive supplier for the item. Prices can be competitive & they do have “specials”. It can be a great way to get some items when the Nascar season concludes, if you want racing items. Sharp eyes can get some merchandise not available any other way.

Prices can also be very different from a retail store. They may list MSRP prices only. By dealing with an authorized dealer, you will get top quality maerchandise. They try hard to cut any cheap junk. If you spot any cheap reproductions, they can help police the market & shut some of it down. Your transaction will be handled in a polite, businesslike manner. Depending on your state, they will collect any sales taxes due.

I’ve purchased from the UP, BNSF, & MRL company stores, & they’re all terrific.

Al - I have purchased items from the BNSF store several times. Always good quality, gets to me in good order and not very expensive. I just wish they offered more items. I will send you my Xmas list…


I got some freebies from the UP store. Too bad they did not last worth a darn. But the same is true for so many other company stores. Why bother? I purchased my own jacket a few years ago, and had the local shop embroider it for about $25. With all that, the coat is still in my closet, and still in perfect shape. The company issued coat? Already falling apart after one season, same exact item as offered in the Company store. Same goes with the bags and other stuff.

At this point I guess I can reveal I’ve used NS (or actually, their fulfillment house Nyberg & Fletcher) and thought I got good value. They have a pretty wide range of stuff, including padfolios and travel duffels in addition to the usual glassware, apparel, and so on. Of course how you feel about NS’ “Thoroughbred” logo will determine how much the product appeals. But not everything is in basic black. - a. s.