Railroad Enthusiast License Plates

While at the local DMV office recently, I discovered that Virginia offers a license plate for us train nuts. It contains the legend “Norfolk & Western Class J 611” in a Tuscan red stripe along with a line drawing of the locomotive pulling a train. I thought it was pretty cool.

Do any other states offer RR enthusiast license plates, and if so what do they look like?[:p]

I don’t think Washington offers one. I hope more states start offering them soon.It is nice to know that at least one state offers railroad enthusiast license plates.[:)]

Pennsylvania has a nice one. I believe it honors the K4’s. Of course, they didn’t offer it until I moved to Delaware.

Nevada offers this V & T plate, which I have on one of my cars.


Not available in Alberta, just the usual $300.00 moron plates as they are referred to here, but some guys have locomotive numbers which is unique, but no one has any idea what they mean,such as 5934.

Wisconsin Doesn’t as far as I know, but people here make due, I have “ALCO FAN”, and other has “CNW FAN” on it.

hay you know what don’t feel to bad. lol When I asked my mom for PRR license Plate my mom got me the regular blue, white, and yellow PA license plate. I was alittle anoyed at her for that, but at the same time didn’t want to complan because she brought me a truck. lol

Ive seen the Virginia Norfolk and Western Plate and I like it. The PA plate is OK but the picture is hard to see as a train. It is a real painting of a K4 pulling the Broadway Limited, I think.

Ohio’s gonna have a plate with a picture of rails being torn up and replaced with bike trails…

Illinois doesn’t have specific plates, but my cars have
DRGW17 and DRGW18… I’ve been stopped by other railfans asking whether
these are indeed railfan plates… Yup! :slight_smile:

With all of the plates offered by NY, I don’t know if there is a railfan plate. I’ve got Volunteer Firefighter plates on my ride, so wouldn’t have a place to hang railfan plates anyhow…

Michigan does not have a train license plate. They should, though.

Pennsylvania’s plate is a Griff Teller painting titled “Racing for the Dawn.” I believe the story goes that it was pained for the official PRR calender one year. It IS of a PRR K-4s, but unfortunately it’s a rather dark picture, hard to see unless you’re close up.

Someone in Iowa has a personalized plate of “AMTRAK”. I saw the car with this plate sitting at an Amtrak station, appropriately.

Florida also does not have one[:(]

Originally posted by JOdom

My uncle has one of the Virginia 611 plates it reads " LOCO MAN ".

Wyoming has one design of Liscence plate (whick by the way won best liscence plate design for the year it was released) I am also gonna try to make due when It comes time for my plates to come up, still thinking of 3985, 8444, 4004, 6900 or possibly the 6936.

I’ve seen lots of vanity plates with a railroad theme. There are lots of model/toy train vanities out there as well. I usually cruise the parking lot at the big York TCA meet just before it opens to look for vanities. Some of the more interesting ones I’ve seen are:

LIONEL - in many variations - L1ONEL, LION-L , etc

You know there is a search function for the forum that is free to use.



In lieu of Illinois not having a rail-themed license plate, I had to make do with the next best thing - a vanity plate: NYC 26.