Railroad Graphics CD

On page 26 of the March 2007 Model Railroader magazine, there is an ad for a company that produces 2 different CD’s that you can use to produce Backdrops, ad posters, billboards and storefront signs. I had trouble getting their web site to come up, but I finally got it. At the end they said that to place an order by Pay-Pal to write them at the address THEY gave; larcproducts@yahoo.com . I sent them a message, but then it came back to me the next day as undeliverable. Has anyone out there bought these CD’s and if so, how are they? can you REALLY print good HO gauge backdrops, signs, etc. using this program? I realize that you need Microsoft Word to run them - NO problem, I have this, but I can’t get the company on line. I guess I’ll have to use snail mail to their Jamesville, N.Y. address. I am just hoping that someone reading this has had experience with this program and can relate their experiences to me. Thanks


I got the CD a while back and was relatively pleased. The signs were plentiful and varied. All in all I think I got appropriate value for the price.

To make good use of the graphics for backdrops you’ll probably need to have a photo shop blow them up for you.

Can’t help you with contacting them.

Mike Tennent

I was wondering about that CD too. Their sites on GeoCities which I think is a free service and ALWAYS gives me problems. Your stuffs only going to look as good as your printers quality. I’d recommend boot legging, (umm, I mean BUYING[:D]) some kind of photoshop program to do your printing. Words pretty limited on graphics.

A clarification is needed regarding them being Word files.

They are graphic images inside a Word file. Not the way I would do it, but you can save them outside Word in a regular graphics file. They look OK enlarged, at least in N scale…

Mike Tennent