Railroad pics

Thought the community might like these. A friend of mine sent me this. Pictures 46-54 are color shots of Chicago and Northwestern about 1941 reproduced from library of congress photos. The other pics have some interesting buildings to model also.



Although born in 1950, the photos bring back memories of my youth in the 50s and 60s. Interesting stuff!

Great photos thanks. Also, a little validation for my color choice for my mill I’m building (like the camp bird photo).


Although,I have the exact same,pic’s,Thanks for sharing,Born,Chgo,1943… What many of you,will,remember is, the kids,with the ‘‘Bowl’’,haircuts,I’ve seen some in my time…LOL.



Wow! Thanks for sharing that site, Fred. I have seen some of those photos on Shorpy but these images somehow capture the “true grit” of America’s struggle through those rough years in a way that seems, well, more intense somehow.

I’m so used to seeing the B&W equivalents of these and other photos of the era that I forget that the world was indeed full of glorious color back then.

Thanks again for that Kodachrome Time Machine!

Take care… Ed