Bought some garage sale stuff. Number of freight car bodies,etc. without trucks, or broken. Wi***o repair and paint for my line. Went on-line to a number of venders. Without having to do extensive research how do you know wha trucks to buy, had some 50+ to choose from at one site. Any general rule of thumb to follow? Not interested in the most modern, some cars from the "20’s. thanks. Don
I usually purchase “all metal” bettendorff 70 ton trucks and on occasion barber S-2 roller bearing trucks, …atlas trucks are my favorite, but intermountain and kadee trucks aren’t too shabby either…i put the bettendorf on most boxcars and the barbers on hoppers and gondolas
Kalmbach has a book on freight cars “The Model Railroader’s Guide to Freight Cars” that has a section on trucks.
Don’t know where my head is?? Have the book in my library and didn’t even think about it. Senility strikes again. Thanks.
Lately I’ve had some trouble with trucks. A couple of trucks on an A-Line 5 car double stack set were out of square. This caused the trucks to derail a odd places on the track. Of course replacing them with sprung trucks solved the problem, but it was a hassle none the less.