railroads and future options

I will soon have my own copy of trainsim to play with. The most spectacular railroad to add would be the Mount Washington Cog Railway in New Hampshire. They still use coal burning steam locomotives with multiple two way action on a single main line and the scenery can even include the seacoast on a really clear day.
I was wondering if it would be possible to use digitized photos for both scenery and rolling stock in the sim? That would allow for using models to build your own railroad to operate over and make possible operating long lost locomotives and trainsets.Imagine riding the Flying Yankee on the Northeast corridor over welded rail!! It was designed to operate at 90 mph in 1934.
Please give us some of your ideas for upgrades to the TrainSim.

Russ Boyce

I would love to take a heavy freight over Rogers pass and through the spriral tunnels on the CP mainline, in the 1950’s perhaps with a Hudson.

Imagine operating several pre-1900 coal burning locos pushing a passenger car in both directions to the top of the world with the up-bound trains taking dead-end sidings so the down trains don’t have to stop. They then back down and throw the switch and restart up the hill.Plus they belch coal smoke so thick you can hardly see at times.In the middle of the hill they also have to take on water while doing all the other things.If you ever get to New Hampshire you will never forget that ride and to be able operate the locos up and down would be a real challeng.

The Mt. Washington Cog Railway is nothing short of AWESOME. I have been to New Hampshire many times.(you have a great state!)Will probably be out next year sometime and will ride the cog again.