what other railroading magazines do you read other than trains/classic trains?
I subscribe to Classic Trains and Railfan & Railroad. I couldn’t justify those two and Trains financially so dropped Trains several years ago (and Railway from the UK - $90 a year was just too much!). I also subscribe to MR and a couple of other model railroad mags, plus I get mags from several RR historical societys / organisations I belong to.
has anyone wondered if several railfan magazines may bite the dust as people do not renew when their subscriptions expire?
Interesting to think that several rail-related magazines started during the Great Depression. I don’t know, I generally always felt that even if I didn’t have a lot of money, a subscription was a good investment because I would keep getting magazines all year…so even if I couldn’t afford to buy model RR products or go on fantrips I could read about what was going on and get ideas for future layouts etc.
I only failed to renew some mags now because I subscribed to so many - plus of course I’m married now so I never actually see any of the money I earn. [swg]
Passenger Train Journal. I was really annoyed when the previous publisher dropped it, and offered me all sorts of recorded stuff in exchange. I told them that I prefer books to tapes and discs. They haven’t bothered me in some time now. I also am a member of the NRHS and NARP, and get their Bulletins and News. For a few years, I was a member of the R&LHS, but had to drop it some thirty years ago because of financial limitations. When it really meant something, I bought occasional issues of the Official Railway Guide.
model railroader mag and trains magazine every month plus a couple of australian magazines if i see them in the news stand / book store…
now i wish that someone would do a model railroader magazine that caters ONLY to modern modellers the oldest locomotive would be a sd40/2 no f units no steamers… classic trains was formed to allow people who are interested in steam era railroading to enjoy their hobby without sd70 locos so why not have a magazine for people who enjoy the modern locomotives and is not interested in steam or narrow gauge… i would subscribe to this magazine peter
I mentioned in a post on a similar topic that a magazine that might be called “Classic Model Railroader” or something similar might prove to be popular. MR issued a book 25 years ago or so that reprinted articles from MR from the 1930’s to 1960’s that was quite enjoyable to read. A magazine that combined reprints of classic MR articles, along with new articles and reviews relating to modelling the “classic era”, might find a decent market.
I think the best magazine is RAILPACE but it only covers the NE. Another good one is RRs Illlustrated. Both have great photography and and greatt info. Also subscribed to Classic Toy Trains and Model Railroader but too much $$$…Railroad and Railfan is pretty good just not many pages…
BTW on my 2nd go around with trains…1988-91 on the first time !!