I thought I had heard about every delusional conspiracy theory but this one should win some sort of Academy Award for paranoia. I was browsing search engines for "secret tunnels ’ to dig up some information on the urban legend of England’s “strategic reserve” of steam engines hidden away in a tunnel, as well as the former strategic reserve of engines over in I believe that were stored in Sweden, one of which is now operating on the Belfast and Moosehead…when I came across this. You have to see it to believe it. Welcome to The Twilight Zone… http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/September2006/170906Camp.htm
Wow! That’s great!!! I think I blinked when the video of the shackle boxcars was shown… [}:)]
Where’s Agent Muldaur when we need him? I could’nt figure out the boxcar with shackles you were referring to, so I ran a search… LOL…it just gets more schizoid …UN Boxcars? Some of these guys have a theory these white box cars are being delivered and labelled to KCS as that all of this is for a mass deportation of certain illegal immigrants…the internet rumour mill churns on… This is what I dug up. " A new found fear of trains. Many researchers have cited the existence of over 107, white, UN railroad cars that have been built by independent contracters in the United States. These cars can hold dozens of prisoners and have, on numerous occasions, been shown to have 135 human shackles in each car. These would be the cars that FEMA would transfer such terrorists/dissidents to their forced labor, internment, or concentration camps.[C I L F=civilian inmate labor facility] A terrorist who may have only been a peaceful protestor at the Republican National Convention. Or perhaps an individual who had an interest in the wrong book at the library. (A reference to the post 9/11 “What if America, Wasn’t America?” line of commercials.) Upon the instigation of martial law, FEMA’s infamous “RED and BLUE” List, with over 6 million Americans marked for priority arrest, would determine the location of your camp and your fate. It would be the beginning of many more arrests to come. But even if you deny the existence of that list, this one fact cannot be ignored: someone, for some reason, would be on a train to a FEMA camp in a time of national emergency. Speaking on anonymity, an employee of a manufacturer of railcars stated that Gunderson Rail Car Co. received a contract to build over 400 boxcars. These boxcars were ordered and paid for by the UN. They were white and they had shackles built into them. Shackles possibly for a brother, a sister, a mother, or you. Another company was making the boxcars as well. A company called Thrall Railcar. Thrall Rail Car merged with Trinity Industries, Inc. in October of 2001
They weren’t able to capture the Hoosiers guarding the installation on camera?
These types scare the heck out of me. I hope they don’t get too far away from their meds, because if they do, who knows what might happen. The museum that I was affiliated with in San Antonio has both an Air Force AND Army switcher!!! We have barbed wire too. What does this mean???
Did this come from White_supremisist_on_meth.com ?
On the serious side, what’s scarier is the lack of critical thinking that is based on" it must be true because I read it on the internet…" Ninety nine percent of the time, these entertainingly twisted scenarios come from someone who has a book to sell…Whats even more amazing, is that rumours like this take on nine lives of their own in a sort of a self perpetuating, alternate reality all their own. My favorite part was the expos’e of the insidious turnstyles being installed…
But you have to keep track of how many “units” per boxcar, right?
Or, how many Happy Meals to hand out…
Nah, It’s all about the meds (or lack of).
Ritalin to every third one?
As Dan would say, “It’s not just for breakfast anymore”. [:D][(-D]
Thank goodness! This will help cut down the number tresspassers on railroad property getting hit by trains-right?[;)]
Kofi Annan will confront the rabble at the turnstyle with a bullhorn… "Take your Happy Meal…and Mountain Dew along with your Ritalin…come along peacefully…there will be on board entertainment this evening…yes…a new episode of Sponge Bob!
Good old Amtrak![B)][V] I wonder if there are “showers” inside there![V][censored][censored][censored][censored][censored]and[censored][censored][censored]. Then, what else can Amtrak do to make money? [:o)]Beech Grove Federal Detention Center![:o)] The prisoners could fix the many,many derelict Amcars from all their wrecks in the last decade plus![tdn][][D)]!
There’s trouble in Toontown!!! Where’s Eddie Valiant??
Barely even worthy of The Onion
I came across the white boxcar scenario a few years ago. Interestingly enough, I used to work at Gundersons in Portland, Or. I did some research into the subject and a lot of these conspiracy nuts or “patriots” were saying that these boxcars were being built by FMC. FMC was bought out by gundersons about 15 years before I started working there. [#wstupid]
For a real laugh, google up Fema detention centers in America and see what comes up. I am currently going throught the list validating every claim here. Well, it is more like disproving the wingnuts. Read closely at the camp locations. You will see just how vague the descriptions are. I have done 6 states so far and have found nothing that validates the claimed existance of 600+ secret camps littered accross America that are rumored to exist but at the same time, not one of these "patriots’ can find. Think about it. 10+ camps per state, and none of to be found. If you are wondering why I am doing this, I just need some mental exercise in doing internet research. Besides, it gives me a chance to really use and get good with google earth.
Does anyone even HAVE photos to validate the existance of the FEMA cars?
I think this is too stupid. I swear. Does the director of FEMA have a life? Uh-oh. For saying that I may be going to beech grove! I better watch what I say!
If this is all true, FEMA is acting like the NAZI’s in the WWII era operating death camps. And with a dumb president at the helm of the country, he won’t even order an investigation.
FEMA, The nazi’s of the 21st Century.
We had some Neo Nazi’s up here awhile ago. They pretty much got scared away by us Northerners. [oX)]