Ran my first DCC Loco today

Had a regular old DC layout 10’ x 4’ that I haven’t ran for several years. As my New Years resolusion I vowled to build a new DCC layout. This layout is quite a bit larger (15’ x 20’) than the old one and has a much more complicated track sceme. However after 2 months of benchwork and track laying and wiring of the first stage of the layout I finally ran my first engine, a spectrum 2-8-0 w/sound. Man I’t was like I was a kid again! Yeah I still have about a years worth of work to do and huge amounts of $$$ to spend yet before it starts to really look good, but for a brief time life was good again.


Adds a whole new level of fun to the hobby, doesn’t it?[:)] Wait till you run multiple trains without having to throw block switches!

You chose a wonderful, sweet, locomotive to do your first test, too. Nice choice. I don’t have one of the Spectrum Consolidations, but I hope to get one before too many years have passed. In fact, I should probably have three or four of them.

Good to hear that you are having fun with DCC. You could place two of those engines facing each other on one length of flex track, hook up the two feeders to DCC, and have both engines slowly move toward each other and lock front couplers. I don’t believe that can be done in DC.



Congratulations on joining the ranks of the ever-growing DCC “boys club”! A number of us can relate exactly to how you felt the first time we ran our DCC locomotives. It’s never too late to grow young…[:)]


The market crash of 2008 took out most of your life savings. DCC will get what was left behind! [8D]

Seriously, you have definitely entered a new dimension of model railroading. Just wait until you have multiple trains going at the same time without worrying about throwing block switches. Don’t know how I ever ran trains without it! Jamie