Rapido Ho Scale Baggage and 10-5 Sleeper

Hello, I just wondered if anyone who has modeled with the Rapido ho scale baggage and 10-5 sleeper have noticed parts falling off? I recently purchased some of these models and when they arrived, parts were all over the place like the glue holding it together wore off. I sent them back already but I am wondering if it is a manufacturer malfunction?

I have seven and yes a few parts were loose. I just glued them back on as I thought it was easier to do that than to go through the hassel of sending them back. My only complaint is the batteries on my four “dale” coaches were all but dead. Showed vary low voltage upon arrival. I still really love 'em though and will buy more. I really want to get the Canadian when Rapido comes out with it but I want a hands on quality control “look see and run” before I lay down that kind of loot. Even if I miss out by not “preordering” Oh and one more thing I wish people would stop flushing those teeny tiny little toilets in my teeny tiny little stations. It’s costing me a fortune in Q-tips.[swg]


The Rapido cars I have came with everything attached. Nothing was loose in the box. I have the “Canadian” on order from Branchline Hobbies in Longview Texas. I guess I’ll have to wait and see if it is up to the same quality as my BLI “California Zephyr”

Gotta get the porters to lock the washrooms so them HO scale people don’t flush in the depot. I one time cleaned the track using a paper towel moistened with mineral spirits. There were small pieces of towel in the ballast that made it look like someone had flushed a lot or there had been a lot of passenger trains.

None of my Rapido cars came with parts missing but I did have one come that was missing the wand. I have a bunch of them now so I didn’t need it anyways.

Unfortunately, even with careful efforts and labels with the word “FRAGILE” on them, packages being transported through postal or parcel services may at times be dropped, or bounced around…especially with the emphasis on quick delivery. Hence, the dislodged parts. It can be frustrating. It’s interesting that with today’s well detailed plastic models this type of occurence has been occurring with an increased frequency.

And Jason had made the comment of the Turbo packaging being too week to make the travels, maybe these are developing the same problem.

I’ll check my MR&T I just got and see how it held up.

EDIT no grabs missing, but one of the end fences was out. no biggie. i fixed it. but maybe the boxes need to be redesigned?

I’m planning on buying one or two undecorated Rapidos (coach and/ or sleeper) that have a reasonably close window arrangement to the cars used by RF&P and paint them in the appropriate colors. When I do, I’ll make certain to open up each box at the LHS and perform a throrough inspection.