Raton NM, Historic Town, Colour photo`s.

To anyone who can help?
Im trying to locate colour photos of Raton`s historic area near the railway station, 1st St and 2nd St area. I am trying to emulate David Haines Raton Pass layout, which I think was one of the greatest in N scale ever!

I was wondering if you could point me to a source of Raton photo`s ? Living in New Zealand it is hard to get a lot of US rail info easily.


You probably already have, but did you try the local historical society via the Internet? I don’t know if there is actually one, but I bet google could tell you.


Try google.com images
search by raton NM
here is the Raton Amtrak train station :

Howdy from Texas. I don’t know how many of these references are in color.

street & track map New Mexico’s Railroads (book by Myrick) p.159

1st depot built 1881
scale drawings Santa Fe Modele MayJun79 p.5
(Santa Fe Modeler WAS the journal of the Santa Fe Rwy Modeling Assn back then)

1904 Moorish style depot
pix & scale drawings Santa Fe Modeler SepOct85 p.12
depot, 1910? pix New Mexico’s Railroads (Myrick)p.3
depot archway & platform pix Warbonnet 4Q95 p.1
(Warbonnet is the publication of the combined Santa Fe Rwy Historical and Modelers Society since late 1990s.)
depot in HO & N Santa Fe Modeler 2Q92 p.1
color depot pix, p.69 Romance of the Mission (book by Baca)
(not a train boo, was in my public library)
N depot model Santa Fe Modele 3Q92 p.2
town modeled on David Haines’ N layout, ModRRer Nov99 p.71,77
depot partial view behind 2-8-0,1933,
Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail p.127
(“Iron Horses” is the classic ATSF loco “Bible”, all black-and-white)
leaving Raton eastbound Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail p.225
depot park behind 2-10-4, Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail p.336
1947 yard view east from w of depot, Santa Fe Modeler 3Q92 p.10
roundhouse & yard model, N Scale magazine, SepOct92 p.39
engine facility, Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail p.43
engine service area, Warbonnet 4Q95 p.17
platform scene, Santa Fe 1940-1971 in color vol.4 (book) p.98
depot, yard scenes, Santa Fe High Iron JanFeb73 p.10
(High Iron was the publication of an early Santa Fe model group 60s-70s)
freight house scale drawings, Santa Fe High Iron JanFeb73 p.16
depot area & pass views,b&w photo, F-Units (book) p.49
depot night w Amtrak SW Chief "Trains"magazine Feb97 p.44
commercial dist scene,1921, Warbonnet 1Q95 p.31

To. masonjar, totrainyard,
Many thanks for your help with the Raton, NM, query!