re: Atlas turnouts

I have a quick question about Atlas turnouts. I’m trying to find the diverging radius for #6 and #8 turnouts. I downloaded the specs from the NMRA and it looks like a #6 has a 43" radius, but not sure if that’s an RP or not. Also not sure if Atlas conforms to NMRA recommended practices[%-)]. I’m thinking (there I go thinking again) that if that is indeed the radius, then its an automatic easement? Any info would be appreciated.

thanks Gerry S.

That would be correct, for an HO #6. The RCR, closure rail radius, is smaller, but the 43" number is the substitution radius. There’s a chart in Track Planning for Realistic Operation that covers multuiple scales and turnout sizes. I’ve seen a similar chart online but a quicky Google search did not turn up the one I was looking for to post. It’s out there though. The turnout would be an easement into a sharper curvem but a rather short one, like putting a section of 22" radius track at the beginning of an 18" radius curve. It’s better than no easement, but it’s not a true easement buy any means.
