Re-build of original Layout section

After some thinking last night I decided it’s time to re-do my original section of my layout.

I started it 2 1/2 years ago and it was my first return since being a teen. There are a lot of lessons learned that I’ll be incorporating into the re-do. I’ll be posting some pics shortly :slight_smile:


We will wait for you to share your “lessons learned”.

We will wait patiently for you to share the pics.

Holiday weekend so things keep coming up, like minding other peoples animals.

I’ll remember a few as I go but here are a few to start.

The layout started as an 8x8 layered in 2 inch foam. I later added a second section built off of my old work bench. That section will stay for now.

I joined the 2 section with a bridge. Lesson learned was minimize the angle of the track entering the bridge. As a result every time I used the layout I’d have to install 2 sectoins of curved track over the gap on the bridge. The new approach will result in a straight section entering the bridge so that I can do the lift out properly.

Next lesson was to stay away from number 4 turnouts on this size layout. Most of my shorts and derailments have been a result of purchasing larger loco’s and navigating the turnouts.

Next is feeder wires. When I originally did the layout I had 2 feeders, one for the inside loop and 1 for the outside. I currently have about a dozen between the 2. The feeders are wired to the outside of the rails. This is fine but this time around I’ll be soldering them to the bottomof the rails and doing so on each section of track…

Next is the size of the ballast. I used the coarse woodland scenics ballast first time around and it wound up being too large. I’ll be using the medium which I experimented with and looks much better.

The ground cover I used in the first round was woodland scenics foam. I will still use some this time around but Static grass will be used for the majority of the grassy areas.

22 inch curves were the largest on the LHS shelf first time around. I wanted what I thought was the most track in the layout so used them and stuck mostly around the edges. This time minimum radius will be wider and the the center will be utilized more.

Next is I just had to have a tunnel first time around. I still might but next time but I’m over it.

I’m going to try to do some better planning for the yard this time. Maybe some sidings rather than back-ins.

I also want to try to allow more room after a curve before entering a turnout. Another cause of derailments. The increased radius should help here as well.

I’ll be using a straight edge when laying track to make as perfect as possible.

Original wasn’t too bad but a few dips resulted in some track having to be re-done

Next is I’ll keep the rear tracks a little further from the wall. No special reason but it limits my options.

I’ll be using a little more elevation this time. Not a lot but enough to solve the bridge problem.

That’s all for now, I’m sure I’ll think of more while doing the tear-down. Soon I’ll be starting packing the rolling stock, buildings, trees etc to prep.

Feel free to comment, and suggestions along the way are welcome.

Progress so far:

Looks great.

Thanks but it’s in the coming down stage at this point. It’s now mostly pink foam. I’m glad that I did the plaster cloth over the layout initially. It made it easier to strip down.

layout is ripped up and checking out ideas at this point. Making sure I’m not missing anything

A quesion was asked about the other side of the bridge. Here it is.

Finished gluing the incline and risers down today and here’s what it looks like so far. I’m still haggling over what to do for the 2 bridges in another thread.