3 quick points
The US signed the Kyoto Protocols in the Clinton admin. The Senate immediately passed a non-binding resolution (sound familiar) in opposition by a margin of 98-zip
The purported cause of the New Ice Age was (insert drum roll here) atmosphericCARBON DIOXIDE!
I’ve been around long enough to have heard a steady stream of Chicken Little predictions. From most recent back: Bird flu Pandemic (in the 3 years Life As We Know It has been imperiled there have been a total of 103 human fatalities out of a world population of 6.5 billion!), the hole in the Ozone Layer, acid rain, nuclear anhilation, over population (in “The Population Bomb” it was predicted by Paul Ehrlich that the decade of the 1990s would be marked by world wide famines killing Billions), exhaustion of natural resources (the Club of Rome predicted that by the 1990s 10 of the most vital of world resources would be so depleted as to be unaffordable or totally gone. All are now more plentifull now than then as refletced by they’re being cheaper in inflation adjusted dollars) and the ever popular DDT menace (how many millions have died from preventable malaria in the tropics because of that beauty?) Excuse me for not getting too upset about the latest predictions of doom looming just over the horizon.