what is your favorite fallin flag?
well… it’s a tie between:
the Chicago and North Western. i saw them as a kid. they were the first to introduce me to trains and have become the very definition of “train” to me. but nothing CNW from my childhood remains, so CNW’s been kinda bland these days
the Denver and Rio Grande Western. cuz those units looked awesome and there’s still some worthwhile DRGW stuff out there…er ok just 5371. but that’s still something!
I miss the Lehigh Valley a lot. But, the anthracite traffic died and twenty years later so did the Valley. But, it really tried to stay alive while it could do so.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC! The Friendly Railroad.
The Santa Fe followed closely by the Conrail considering both ran within 2 blocks of my house growing up.
You sure it’s not that little shortline in Georgia whose engineers were famous for thowing stuff at people. [(-D]
HAR HAR HAR…thats cute…[:D]
well…its a long list but ill shorten it…
i guess anything Pennsy…
the Pere Marquette is a close to my heart fav…
The Milwaukee road for me. If it wasn’t for them then it would be the NP
The Greatest SD they ever built unless the SDL39 comes into play.
Happy railroading[(-D]
Rock Island
Reading Company
When I was born (1958) there were I think 11 railroads serving my area, by the time I was 35 or so the last one (C&NW) had disappeared. Heck, now even BN is gone!!
I guess if I had to pick one, it would be the Minneapolis Northfield and Southern, although now Progressive Rail has taken over the line I grew up next to, and it’s nice to see the same diesels being used in virtually the same paint scheme as the MN&S. (See the recent Trains mag article!)
The Erie Lackawanna,the Cloverleaf,and the G.R.&I. division of the PRR.All three used to go thru my hometown.The Erie used E8’s,Alcos,and SD45-2’s,really impressive. The G.R.&I. once ran from Richmond,IN. to Mackinaw Michigan.
The Ma&Pa.
Southern Pacific
growing up in Richmond Ca, in the 50s,furthermost western point of the Santa Fe made me a Santa fe fan. I’d ride my bike down to Point Richmond to the Plunge and watch them switch the huge yard there. There was still a working ferry dock operation there untill 1971.
The branch to Oakland ran a block away from my house. They were still running the Chief through there in those days. They’d have locals and transfer runs too. I remember hopping a few freights for several blocks
There was a great place out in Pinole where the SP and the SF ran close together for a mile by the Bay. You see this in many Will Whittaker and Doug Richter photos. I’d ride my bike out there and sit in the grass and watch a whole parade of SF and SP going by right at the end of SP steam. I still go out there, its near Point Pinole Park, and watch BNSF and UP there sometimes when I’m down that way.
I miss the SP too, it dominated California. It’s hard to tell which was my favorite, the War bonnet or the Daylight colors. The good news is that there’s still War bonnets in Richmond and a few Blue and Yellow SF switchers there too–even a GP30. Still see a green BN GP there too
I live in OR near Eugene now and its UP --still can’t get used to that Armour yellow and Grey. But there’s BNSF in Portland and Willammette and Pacific and CORP and other short lines to watch also.
The Missouri Pacific. Not so much as a favorite, but as a RR that I would have liked to have seen more of. The MoPac didn’t have much of a presence in El Paso, but still I would make my dad take me to their yard as often as we could. Their sawblade emblum was unique.