I think he’s referring to the new remote control battery-operated Thomas that runs on plastic tracks. As I mentioned, my kids have one, and it’s kinda cool. It looks like a Star Trek Phaser.
I think he’s referring to the new remote control battery-operated Thomas that runs on plastic tracks. As I mentioned, my kids have one, and it’s kinda cool. It looks like a Star Trek Phaser.
Hello Jumijo:
Thanks for the clarification. I thought I was missing out on something. [;)]
the new lionel lancy remote that is up to $2,000 today. www.youtube.com/railroadboy1
no i’m not Talking about the thomas remote controlwww.youtube.com/railroadboy1
Lionel’s new system is called LEGACY, not lancy. Also it is NO WHERE near $2,000 it lists at $299.95 and can be found for under $250.
Wow I’m so stupid I didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me at www.youtube.com/railroadboy1 for that info
Hi I’m new to http://www.trains.com/ don’t have to be mean to the new guy if you have any tips for me send a comment to www.youtube.com/railroadboy1 but only if are a member of youtube
Can these remote systems be used on the old trains - is there a conversion kit or something?
Not to be ugly but we [the old guys] are reluctant to do a lot of advising to folks who do not tell us about themselves in their profile. We’ve been burned by some “nuts” who wanted to stir and make trouble. Might try this as a new post as there is a “bad” name in this thread. Thanks
TMCC and Legacy are the two Command Systems developed by Lionel. TMCC was first, and Legacy is designed as a compatible leap forward in ability.
TMCC and Legacy both work in two modes: “Command” and “Conventional”.
For “Command” mode, an engine must be equipped with either TMCC or Legacy electronic components. There is a “receiver” board that responds to digital command signals that are broadcast through the rails of the layout from a “Command Base”. The Command Base in turn receives signals from the CAB (Remote).
Command engines run in a 18v to 20v AC continuous environment.
In Command Mode (either TMCC or Legacy) the CAB can control speed, sounds, direction, couplers, and many other features of a Command Equipped engine. TMCC engines will respond with full-features to a Legacy System, and Legacy engines will respond in a TMCC system, but only as far as the TMCC system was designed.
Both systems have the ability to run “Conventional” ie: non Command Equipped engines. This is done by easily wiring a radio receiver/controller between your power supply and the track. On my layout I am using a 1946-era ZW for power, and a series of Lionel PowerMasters to control my non Command Equipped engines. The CAB controls speed, whistles, bells, and direction.
By doing this I can use my CAB-1 Remote to run engines built between 1915 and the present in “Conventional Mode”, and all my Command engines in Command Mode.
Jon [8D]
I think some are not sure what your point is. Your posts seem to be directing us to youtube. Why not tell us about yourself over here and become an active member of this community.
because i never have no look at my profile on youtube or to give me any thing for it but if want me to tell you about my self well I’m 15 I still like thomas even old guys like him right i have my own company Chris’s Landscaping Co It’s Me and my friend company but he is out of town so I taking over it for right now until he gets back. So that all i can say right now
Hi Do you guys think that the TMCC and Legacy remote command system can be put on to Thomas The Tank Engine because I saw and put on my profile on youtube that some guy put a sonud system and remote system into a Thomas from 1997
If an Electric RR command unit will fit, then you can make it TMCC. That is the smallest unit I have seen.
thank again for the website com to mine at www.youtube.com/railroadboy1
It has been done, he used the ERR Mini Commander if memory serves correctly.
It’s to confuse people and to prank my friends as well.
did you like my profile besides me saying i was 25 on it any ways?