Reading A Track Plan

Looking at the track plan that came in todays newslettter, “Turn a 4x8 inside out”, the Lime Ridge & Hercules and Portland & Western RR. Don’t have the issue in hand yet for any of the written information, but it looked very interesting as a starting point for my “in planning” layout.

Thought this was suppose to be a twice around. As I look at it, if I leave the enginehouse, pass under the overpass in the top right, proceed to the crossover between the stone cutter and tower, I go right back to the yard where I started. In other words, can’t get on the other loop without backing. That is unless the crossover is a double slip switch.

I like the basic look of the plan, it incorperates the idea I had of some elevation between loops and is within inches in both dementions of my space. Obviously, I can make some changes to give me a way to continue from one loop to the other, but I feel like I am missing something.

Thanks for the help,


When you get magazine containing the article, you’ll find that it is not a twice around. There are supposed to be two railroads, each making a loop. The track that runs immediately to the left of the HJ Tower is the interchange track between the railroads.

Thank you for the explaination. When I printed a picture from the “Inside the April 2014 Model Railroader” video the subtitle of the article calls it a twice around. It didn’t show all the information on the page and the print was pretty small. That explains why I thought I was mising something. As I said, I don’t think it will be too hard to make it a twice around as I had planned and other tweeking to get it to fit my ideas a bit better.

Thanks again,
