Realistic Layouts - Freight Yards

Anyone know when we can expect to see this on the hobbyshop shelves? I will be starting construction soon, and I was hoping to see what ideas that I might like. I thought it was supposed to be out end of August.

Thanks in advance,


I got mine in the mail roughly mid August and its alright. I think it should have hit the store shelves by now if its your hobby shop ask them when they plan on getting it if not just order from kalmbach I find it easier than waiting for it.

markie97 Barnes & Nobles had it 2 weeks ago.


The store had a bunch some weeks ago. I bought one.

It is a wonderful book with yard full of good stuff.

I picked mine up in my LHS about 2 weeks ago.



I picked one up at the local Getn’Go about 3 weeks ago…I think its well worth the price…Cox 47

I thought this was well worth the price. The article on making the mechanicals from the interlocking tower to the turnouts alone was worth the price!

Yep, I got mine about a month ago. You might want to call Kalmbach and report your issue being lost. They are very responsive with sending out replacement issues.

It is at our local Barnes & Noble, and I just saw it at the LHS over lunch…


Got mine a couple of days ago at the grocery store’s magazine rack - not sure how long they’ve had it.

Jim in Cape Girardeau

Ya mine came at least 4-6 weeks back, should be available most anywhere you get MR.

The concept of a realitic yard is a good one and I am not knocking it but it takes a truly discerning modeler to pull a yard off that reeks of the real thing. I can’t describe what I mean other than to say that somehow a person who can look at the overall impression can create something that just jumps out and say’s “Railroad” while the rest of us just contniue creating something that say’s to most people, “Toy train”

Clickable link:

Railyard reek eh?Well spots where sand from teh locos has been building up cause someone left the sanders on.Little bits of scrap wood ,banding,grain,flour,meal,glass from tractor cabs that came off the hump too fast.

For those that say there is no junk in the walkway,come on out to my yard. Weeds chest high in spots between the bowl tracks.and junk everywhere.