Really Helpful MSTS Site

I just stumbled across this site an am blown away.

It has information on all kinds of topics including building routes, building activities, building consists, other development tools available (for free!!!), other routes (FREE ONES!!), updates to routes (There is an NEC4 available which adds parts of CSX and Phili Subs, along with Metro and MARC lines), and tons of other great information.

Information is in plain English. I am amazed at the information available. Check it out. has that and a whole lot more.

StillGrande, I so am into this website.
The only thing about this experience, is the MSTS trip. I went , cause I could not hook up with anyone else, and damned if i’ll take sides. But…Anyway…I’m Allen/backyard.

This site is nice because it explains a lot of the routes that are out there and WHERE TO FIND THEM, including In fact, most of the downloads are not even on this site. It is more of a review. But I would never have known about some of the utilities without this site. And I have to admit I was still puzzled about how to use the tools to make my own routes and what not until I read through the description on this site. Sure I could download all kinds of things, but was never sure why things didn’t work.

I also have to say I would not have have found the NECv4 unless I had stumbled across it and been really bored. The NEC as originally provided was very disappointing (only one full length run and way too much 15 mph running). v4 installs as a new route (doesn’t affect the original) and has 2 full runs from DC to Philidelphia (one full express during the day, the other at night). SIgnals and graphics are much improved. Driving the American Orient Express train (route test on the NEC) takes the route right along where I drive to work. Cool to see it from the other side.

I also would not have found the Florida Funnel for CSX.

I am not promoting this site over any others. It just seems to have some really nice tools for others, including route development tools descriptions. Some of this stuff everyone should have, and they are free, but judging from the download counts, not everyone has…yet.

Here’s a link, to a “Really Helpful MSTS Site!” . Enjoy Your Railroading! acj.